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Russian Group Classes

Изучайте русский язык вместе с другими и расширяйте свой культурный кругозор


90 мин

Reasons to choose group classes with us

Socialization and cultural immersion

Studying in a group helps to expand social network and meet like-minded people.

Mixed formats and resources

Interactive tasks, quizzes, memory cards - everything that can make the learning process fun.

Motivation and support

it is scientifically proven that you are more likely to continue learning if you do it together with other people.

Focused on result class format

One lesson lasts 90 minutes instead of the usual 60. Which means: more time to immerse yourself in the language environment; more time to learn skills; more opportunities to practice.

Emphasis on communication

We speak from the first lesson.

Convenient group size

The small format of the groups allows you to give enough time to each participant. Up to 6 people study in a group equals more time to practice. 

You can join the following groups:

A Beginner Level Group (A1 level)

For Whom:

A1 Level Russian Course is designed for beginners who have little or no prior experience with the Russian language.

What You Will Get:

By the end of the course, you will acquire basic conversational skills, including greetings, introductions, and simple everyday conversations. You will also learn to read and write basic Russian, allowing you to understand and use common phrases and expressions.


This A1 Level Russian Course spans4 months, providing you with a solid foundation in the Russian language.

 Intermediate Level Groups (B1 and B2 levels)

If you are an intermediate speaker and want to extend your language skills in Russian, you can:

  • join an intermediate group, offline or online,

  • be a part of regular Zoom meetings that we organize on Patreon,

  • Visit our language exhange speaking club. 

A Basic Level Group (A2 level)

For Whom:

A2 Level Russian Course is ideal for learners who have completed the A1 level or have a basic understanding of Russian.

What You Will Get:

  • Advanced Conversational Skills: Engage in more complex conversations on various topics with confidence.

  • Expanded Vocabulary: Enhance your vocabulary to express yourself more fluently.

  • Grammar Mastery: Master essential grammar rules to improve your speaking and writing skills.

  • Reading Proficiency: Develop the ability to read and comprehend texts in Russian.

  • Structured Learning: Benefit from our comprehensive course book, authored by us, for a well-organized and effective learning experience.


The A2 Level Russian Course spans 4 months, providing you with a strong intermediate-level command of the Russian language.

Do you want to join the group?

Contact us via Get in Touch section options for detailed information about the group level, schedule and entry test.

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